Going Bald: Letters & Feedback
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Photography by Ben Miller |
I Have A Bald Spot On My Scalp - Need Advice!
People have recently been noticing and commenting on a slight bald spot on the crown of my head. I've not noticed any real thinning or receding of the hairline, so I'm not overly concerned about this, but at only 21 years of age, I do get very self-conscience about my appearance.
I've recently tried the German shampoo, Alpecin, and it seems to be doing a great job in strengthening and thickening my hair. I don't feel I am ready or at the point yet to start messing about with these hair loss capsules and serums. But, after reading about hair loss online, it is highly recommended that the issue must be tackled as early as possible in order for treatment to be successful.
Do you have any ideas or advice for me?
Dan, UK.
Dan, the bald spot on your scalp could just be the crown in your hairline or caused by the way in which you have styled or parted your hair. If you look around you, many men have a slight bald area at the top of their head, but this doesn't mean they are going through male pattern baldness. Using hair endurance shampoos is a good idea, as they do no harm whether you are going bald or not. If the bald spot on your head gets bigger over a quick amount of time, then see a doctor or a hair loss specialist and they'll be able to determine the problem and how best to tackle it. Also, keep an eye on the Your Next Remedy website for some new hair loss products coming into stock soon. These types of products have a 90% customer satisfactory rate, so they're definitely worth a try if all else fails.
What's The Best Natural Hair Loss Treatment?
I'm 31 and my hair is starting to thin. I've read about prescription drugs like Propecia and the horrible side-effects that come with it. So, I am really just wondering what natural side-effect free hair loss supplement alternatives there are on the market?
Any ideas?
George, Leeds, West Yorkshire.
Well George, you'll be happy to know that there is a huge and growing range of natural hair loss products on the market today. Popular choices include the Procerin range, a bottle of tablets, an XT topical foam and a hair endurance shampoo, Nanogen - recently instated on the shelves of Boots pharmacy stores and Revivogen - most commonly found online.
All these products have a similar success rate ranging from 88%-95%. I guess it really depends on what works for each individual. Your Next Remedy will be stocking the much talked about and hyped hair growth spray soon. With a 95% success rate and raving reviews across Asia, it'll be well worth a try. Keep an eye on the website for stock updates.
I'm Bald And Not Bothered One Bit.
I started losing my hair at the age of about 16 and the whole lot was gone by the time I reached the age of 21. Though I was a little concerned to start with (as I was very young when I started male pattern baldness and none of my friends showed any signs of going bald), I quickly accepted the fact that I'd be lumbered with the slap head for the rest of my life.
Now, at the age of 29 with a glowing head, I really couldn't give a hoot about the loss of my locks. I've buffed up in the gym for the past decade and I actually think (and so many people and told me) that I suit the skin headed look.
I think too many men are far too concerned about the issue of hair loss and should really just focus their energy on enjoying life and bringing out their other strong features. I've had absolutely no problems in getting girlfriends and my social life has always boomed.
Greg, Dorset
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